The series starts with a book that studies the composition of housing sites in the contemporary city and the organizazion of a possible settlement unit in a sector now under redevelopment in the city of Milan.

The research developed a first project later followed by a second one: several design teams from many Italian universities were invited to contribute to and provide their own interpretation of this plan.

Projects by: Antonio Monestiroli, Carlo Moccia, Bruno Messina, Tomaso Monestiroli, Giovanni Marras, Massimo Ferrari, Raffaella Neri, Eleonora Mantese, Gino Malacarne, Antonella Gallo, Adalberto Del Bo, Martina Landsberger, Armando Dal Fabbro

Raffaella Neri
La parte elementare della città
Progetti del Scalo Farini a Milano
isbn 9788862421188
Ricerche in composizione urbana
3 / 2014
3 / 2014
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