Heritage and landscape education is crucial to training young people in active and responsible citizenship, protection of the public assets, appreciation of the cultural diversity and intergenerational dialogue. Therefore, it cannot be limited to sporadic experiences and on outstanding heritage and contexts but must be transdisciplinary, inclusive and practicable everywhere. 
This book relates the research and action project “Scuola Attiva Risorse” (ScAR), winner of the Polisocial Award that recognizes research for social purposes at the Politecnico di Milano. The text describes an experimental and innovative action delivered within the fragile context of the urban peripheries. This participatory process involved schools, universities, cultural institutions, administrations and private actors in interpreting and enhancing the “hidden” cultural heritage in Milan’s fringe neighbourhoods.

Camilla Casonato, Marco Vedoà, Gloria Cossa
Discovering the everyday landscape
A cultural heritage education project in the urban periphery
isbn 9788862427944
10 / 2022
10 / 2022
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