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Design-Driven Research encompasses many different forms of research in which architectural, design, and artistic practices and the results thereof, are implemented as a means to generate and disseminate new knowledge. This includes contemporary alternative formulations of the field, like Artistic Research, Research by Design, Practice-Based/Led Research, Creative Practice Research.

CA2RE+ is a joint Erasmus+ strategic partnership of nine European universities in association with EAAE, ELIA and ARENA, and it supports early-career researchers and Ph.D. students to improve the quality of their research. CA²RE+ explicates the transformative and innovative power of highly individual strategies in artistic research, the diversity of research traditions, and the integrative nature of architectural design research, able to face the contemporary knowledge fragmentation from humanities, social sciences, and technology.

Along with the CA2RE+ timeline project, the focus of Milano conference narrows by comparing design strategies and tactics applied to highlight common approaches and methodological specificities within the consortium and the broader community involved.

Fabrizia Berlingieri, Francesca Zanotto
Conference for Artistic and Architectural Research. Book of Proceedings

Disponibile in versione ebook

isbn 9788862424813
edizione corrente 3 / 2021
prima edizione 3 / 2021
lingua Inglese
formato 12x16,5cm
pagine 474
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Fabrizia Berlingieri, architect and Ph.D., is an associate professor of architectural and urban design at Politecnico di Milano, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies. Since 2020 she is member of the coordination group of the research project Fragilità Territoriali, (T...

Fabrizia Berlingieri, architect and Ph.D., is an associate professor of architectural and urban design at Politecnico di Milano, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies. Since 2020 she is member of the coordination group of the research project Fragilità Territoriali, (Territorial Fragilities) within the ministerial funding programme “Departments of Excellence 2018-2022.” Her main research topics concern the interrelation between infrastructure and urbanisation, the study of contemporary design strategies for urban transition, and the relationship between architecture and the city. 


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Francesca Zanotto (1987) is an architect and researcher based in Milan. Her work explores the spatial dimension of waste and the implications of consumption patterns for architectural design. She holds a Ph.D. cum laude received at the program of  “Architectural, Urban an...

Francesca Zanotto (1987) is an architect and researcher based in Milan. Her work explores the spatial dimension of waste and the implications of consumption patterns for architectural design. She holds a Ph.D. cum laude received at the program of  “Architectural, Urban and Interior Design” (auid.polimi.it) of Politecnico di Milano (2018), where she currently works as postdoctoral researcher and adjunct professor.

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