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Kibera, a slum of Nairobi in Kenya, is a marginal place; it is a surreal space, heterotopia in which life and sense of community are the only values of a human and urban hell. The book contains the proceedings of the “Kibera 2017. Urban infiltrations” workshop organized by the Informal City Laboratory of the Department of Architecture of Pescara. Professors, tutors and students from various Italian universities, from the University of Nairobi, from the University of Florianopolis and from the Scuola Permanente dell’Abitare, have discussed possible strategies to regenerate informal cities, shared reflections and concrete experiences of design and have formulated ideas and proposals for the Kibera’s slum.

Michele Manigrasso
Regenerating KIBERA
Urban infiltrations in the slum of Nairobi
isbn 9788862422895
Alleli | Events
2 / 2018
2 / 2018
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