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Reduce_Recycle_Reuse, three ideas investigated in a transversal way between art and theatre. They are three efficient actions for the urban recovering, and to explore the fleeting border between show and visual arts, responsible of the deep changes in the contemporary performing spaces. The design of the recycle and the technologies that support it, mark the planning approach for the integration in the urban space. New qualities of use introducing temporary recreational structures that can play the role of redevelopment agent of the Urban Space, inviting and involving the city-users of the disused places of the city. These spaces, making them attractive by installations, are the physical support of a work in progress in which the native waste keeps enriching the space that follows the rules detected by the project. The experimentation was carried out also in a performing perspective. The use of the body as recyclable material gave birth to installations morphologically not given a priori. It gave birth to shows that disclose and reveal the relational potentialities between physical and user context. The use of the text, to rework and reuse the heritage of what has been said yet, in a revitalizing action of the language and a new sharing of the contents. The volume gathers the seminar contributions and the results of the international workshops of a partnership between Schools of Architecture sited in Syracuse and in Seville.

Francesca Castagneto, Vittorio Fiore
Reduce, Recycle, Reuse
Performing Arts to recover the urban space
isbn 9788862420747
4 / 2013
4 / 2013
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