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Architects write a lot, especially now when conceptual aspects have become central in the advanced reflections and narrative forms increasingly intersect the quest of design practices far an ultimate legitimation. 
In the growing mass of the publishing offer, these keywords try to highlight recurrent issues, tracking synthetic paths of orientation between different critical positions, with particular attention to what happens in the neighbouring fields of the arts and sciences. 

Giovanni Corbellini
exlibris (english version)
16 keywords of contemporary architecture

Available in ebook version

isbn 9788862423359
book series Fuori Collana
current edition 11 / 2018
first edition 11 / 2018
language English
size 16,7x22cm
pages 160
print two-toned
binding paperback
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the author
Giovanni Corbellini (1959), architect, PhD, critic of contemporary architecture, taught in Venice, Ferrara, Milan, Trieste and is currently full professor of architectural design at the Politecnico of Turin. His latest books are: Ex libris: 16 Keywords of Contemporary Architecture (...

Giovanni Corbellini (1959), architect, PhD, critic of contemporary architecture, taught in Venice, Ferrara, Milan, Trieste and is currently full professor of architectural design at the Politecnico of Turin. His latest books are: Ex libris: 16 Keywords of Contemporary Architecture (LetteraVentidue, 2019), Telling Spaces (LetteraVentidue, 2018), Dr. Corbellini’s Pills (LetteraVentidue, 2016), Recycled Theory: Dizionario illustrato/Illustrated Dictionary (edited with Sara Marini, Quodlibet, 2016), Housing is Back in Town (LetteraVentidue, 2012), Bioreboot. The architecture of R&Sie(n) (Princeton Architectural Press, 2009).

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