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This book originates from a long series of cultural and research activities carried on by the Department of Architecture in Pescara in several cities of the Adriatic and Balkan Region. Our journey through this region was extensive and compelling, but when we arrived in Sarajevo our amazement could not have been greater. In the midst of the soft and narrow furrow cut by the Miljacka River, is a place where religions, ethnic backgrounds, cultures, languages and traditions have coexisted for centuries, side by side, commonly and peacefully. Geographically, Sarajevo is located between East and West, a condition that has made it a place of grafting, where overlapping cultural elements have always been superimposed to the pre-existing ones. The cultural mix and the consequent urban stratification, have in fact been a peculiar condition of this city, and even more so today when Sarajevo is looking for a new diversified and inclusive identity, where contemporary culture plays an important role. The book is the result of the collaboration between the curators and the authors: architects, artists, photographers, art experts, diplomats, sociologists and students, each of whom has generously agreed in sharing their own personal experiences of life, by working or studying in this extraordinary city and contributing to the definition of an “account of a city” that combines the present but also looks towards the future.

a cura di Stefania Gruosso, Lorenzo Pignatti
An account of a city
isbn 9788862423823
collana Alleli | Research
numero 46
edizione corrente 12 / 2019
prima edizione 12 / 2019
lingua Inglese
formato 14,8x21cm
pagine 188
stampa colore
rilegatura brossura
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I curatori
Stefania Gruosso is a research fellow at the Department of Architecture - Università “G. d’Annunzio” in Pescara. She holds a PhD in Architecture and Urban Planning. The main theoretical research interest is focused on the role that culture and creativity cou...

Stefania Gruosso is a research fellow at the Department of Architecture - Università “G. d’Annunzio” in Pescara. She holds a PhD in Architecture and Urban Planning. The main theoretical research interest is focused on the role that culture and creativity could play in processes of urban regeneration with a special attention to cities in East Europe. This has been flanked by applied research projects with experimental activities within the field of urban design. This was carried out in particular as a tutor in numerous international design workshops and as a consultant to a number of public municipalities both in Italy and abroad. Since 2008 Stefania Gruosso has been design tutor in courses of Architectural Design at the University of Pescara. She has been visiting professor and research fellow at the International BURCH University of Sarajevo and Adjunct Lecturer for the University of Waterloo (Canada) - Rome Programme.

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Lorenzo Pignatti è docente presso il Dipartimento di Architettura di Pescara dove svolge studi e ricerche sulla regione Adriatico–Balcanica. Ha promosso numerose iniziative di scambi internazionali, organizzato convegni e workshops in vari paesi e pubblicato diversi con...

Lorenzo Pignatti è docente presso il Dipartimento di Architettura di Pescara dove svolge studi e ricerche sulla regione Adriatico–Balcanica. Ha promosso numerose iniziative di scambi internazionali, organizzato convegni e workshops in vari paesi e pubblicato diversi contributi su questi temi. Ha insegnato presso la University of Waterloo (Canada), di cui ha diretto il Rome Programme dal 1988 ed è ora consulente didattico e scientifico. È stato sempre interprete dei fenomeni legati allo sviluppo della modernità e ha riportato queste riflessioni sia nella didattica sia nella ricerca teorica e progettuale. È socio fondatore dello studio Ottone Pignatti Architetti Associati che ha concentrato il proprio lavoro sulla rigenerazione urbana e sulla progettazione di spazi pubblici; tra questi, il più significativo è il progetto di riqualificazione di piazza San Cosimato a Roma.

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