Order allow,deny Deny from all Against the Reconstruction Risk - LetteraVentidue

“Against the Reconstruction Risk” invites to reintroduce the project in the emergency response by focusing on the need for a renewed theoretical and critical perspective.
The book investigates Italian internal and marginal landscapes – mainly with reference to the territories of the craters of the 2009 earthquake and the 2016-17 earthquake – which are representative of a critical contemporary condition of inhabiting within the current polycrisis.
Transcending the notion of temporary, the post- emergency project is investigated in its capacity to make – and remake – the city. The forms of the temporary are reinterpreted within a relational, inter-scalar and, necessarily, complex vision.
Ultimately, the book turns the spotlight on the reconstructive praxis by assuming as a point of observation the temporary heritage that needs to be rethought in its traces but even more so in the definition of the project demands to come.